Featured Just recently, I stumbled upon a book written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1918 "The New Revelation". It was his very first book regarding his views on spiritualism and psychic phenomena. I thought it to be interesting reading, as much of the "evidence" that he collected and retold relating to "life" in the afterlife was no different than what our psychics, mediums, and other metaphysicians tell us these days. The reality is, we have actually been getting evidence of an afterlife for centuries. Individuals throughout time have actually spoken about ghost entities, visitations from poltergeists, spirits, and interactions from beyond. Stories of reincarnation continue to flood in, lots of them from children who would not have been able to gain access, or the understanding, to envision and produce many of the tales they share. With our modern-day medicines and life-saving medical devices, the incidents of near-death experiences are being increasingly being brought into the open. Truly, just how much more "evidence" do we require?| And yet ... doubters are still plentiful. What's more intriguing is that numerous surveys, polls, and stats suggest that roughly 80% of the world's population believes in: life after death, that we have a soul which continues to exist after our "physical" deaths, that there is a Paradise/Heaven, and that there is a creator who monitors us. Out of the 20% left, about half are hedging and have not decided on what to think of it all. That leaves simply 10% of people that we need to "convince and reveal evidence to." In which case I'm asking this question ... Why do we have to show anything to this extremely small minority of individuals? As I pointed out in the beginning, I had actually simply completed reading Doyle's "The New Revelation" (you can check out the whole book online). While reading, I encountered an extremely fascinating|intriguing declaration that he made and one which we ought to all consider: "... we have reached a point where further proof is superfluous, and where the weight of disproof lies upon those who deny. The very people who clamor for… -
Featured Seems that these days there are more people seeking guidance from a psychic reader than a minister or therapist. The reason is that oftentimes there can be a discomfort with traditional religions who may tend to be very restrictive or be not in step with today's’ mindset. Therapists can be very costly and sometimes pompous. A psychic reader, for some, will feel more easily approached and helpful. A psychic can be found in many ways, helplines being one of them. Just as in traditional forms of counseling, conferring with someone who is outside of the immediate situation will have a more objective view. The feeling is that the weight of personal decisions can be lifted by another person with intuitive abilities. The helpline concept makes this type of counseling very convenient as it is available any time day or night. It also feels more private/confidential since the person on the other end of the line does not know you, you’re not face to face, and they don’t make judgments based on visual observations. Lastly, hotlines tend to be more cost-effective than traditional forms of counseling. A professional psychic is waiting and ready to listen to you around the clock, so they are there when you need them and are ready to talk. When you initially call the psychic will ask questions and listen, which may be exactly what you need at the time. But in most cases, you are also asking for a reading. The reading will begin with some information from you and the question(s) that you are seeking answers to. Basics will usually be the date and place of your birth, major life event dates, or possibly just your full name. The information requested shouldn’t be too specific, and more relevant to the type of reading you are requesting. Depending on what you prefer (or are most interested in/comfortable with), a reading can be in the form of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, or could be in many other forms. Most people have become familiar with astrology through daily horoscopes that can be found in magazines, newspapers,…Seeking a Psychic Reader
By Gemchantress - Lady Christine
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